Gargantua Activity: Designing and Ideal Education

Group Activity: Designing the Ideal College Education

In Rabelais’ Gargantua and Pantagruel, two different types of education are described: the Medieval and the Renaissance (or Humanist). After comparing and contrasting the two different types of education presented, your group will discuss and develop what you believe to be the ideal education for the average college student. Your plan should be appropriate for all majors and fields, so you cannot limit your subjects to one area.

I. Duration and Orientation: Discuss how long a college education should last. Should all people be required to have a college education? Should schools be coed (male and female)? What should the cost of education be, and do you have emendations to make in the current way that financial aid (loans, scholarships, your parents or your checkbook) works?

II. Pedagogy: Before developing your curriculum, be sure to discuss classroom format and the method of teaching and assignments. Will these be distance-learning courses or will students meet in classrooms? How many times weekly? Will there be exams, writing assignments, group activities, grades, etc.? What kind of methods will the ideal teacher be expected to use?

III. Courses: Here are some subjects to consider and help get you started (although these are by no means the only subjects to consider—refer back to Rabelais for additional suggestions). Remember, each subject has its own subsets, some of which I have included below—so list not only subjects, but which specific types of courses, and the number of courses in each section, are to be taken. If you feel that internship and field training are requirements, make sure to list those alongside the appropriate courses.

Math (i.e. Calculus, Logic, Algebra, Geometry); Languages (i.e. Ancient Latin or Greek, Chinese, French); Literature (World Lit—ancient or modern, Lit from different countries, styles: poetry, plays, stories, novels); History (ancient or modern, world or national); Religions; Physical Education; Fine Arts (i.e. painting, sculpture) and Performing Arts (acting, debate); Music; Games and Hobbies; Sciences; Military Preparation and Tactics; Trade School Courses (i.e. nursing, paramedic, mechanic, sanitation); Emergency courses (i.e. CPR, choking); Etiquette (i.e. eating, dancing, speaking, walking, dressing); Technology (computers—graphic design, internet guidance, repairs).

IV. Conclusion: Once you have developed a curriculum, explain why you chose the courses that you did. What does your emphasis on certain courses demonstrate about your approach to success in the modern world? In other words, how will your curriculum better prepare students for success in society than the current curriculum that you are being forced to complete?

Sunday, November 30, 2008


1. In my ideal college I think the education should last for three years. Doctors and Lawyers should be an additional three years. All people should be required to have a college education so everyone has an equal opportunity to have a good paying career. There should be single sex schools because students perform better as it was said in In Australia, there was a study which both girls and boys performed better in their standardized tests when they went to different schools. Since it is required for everyone to have a college education then it should be affordable. It should cost $2,000 a year and if they cannot pay it off then financial aid will be of assistant to those who need it.

2. There will be distance learning courses for those who cannot make it to class but final exams should be held in the class room. For the rest the students should meet in the classroom four times a week for an hour a day. The students will not forget easily and they will do better in exams. Attendance will be a must; the students can only miss three times the whole semester. The ideal teacher should give a quiz by the end of each week to see if their students understand the material. If the students do not understand the material the teacher should make time for the students after class and go over the material with them. The teacher will give out two tests, the midterm and the final. There will be writing assignments depending on the class.

3. The following classes that are required to take:
a) Math – Statistic, Geometry, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Pre-Calculus & Calculus
b) English – Literature (plays, poetry, stories, novels)
c) Speech Class
d) Computer – Microsoft Office

4. I have picked math because in the business world everything revolve around math, ie. Wall Street, Accountants, Banks, etc. It is important for people to learn how to solve problems like if something will be a good investment. English is very important because that is our main language. It is important people know how to speak, read and write English. In the future, one might want to become a writer. Speech and computer class is important because a person will have to give presentation in front of people and they might be nervous. It will help them practice how to speak in front of a group of people and also use PowerPoint to create the presentation.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ideal Education

In my opinion, a college education should be no long than 4 years. In Brazil you must decide your career education before you enter in college. If you decide to study accounting, you are not required to take classes such as, history, philosophy, biology or art. You will study account for 4 years. In United States the colleges make you take those classes that you don’t like and you fell like you are loosing your money and your time. At the end of 5 years, you didn’t take enough classes in your area, and you are not prepared to the work force.
Another idea that I like from Brazil is that college students are very well paid to work as internships for companies. They receive enough money to pay for their college education and work only part-time. In The United States I see a lot of college students working in restaurants to pay their college education instead of working in their areas. When the American students finish college they have diploma, but not life experience. Without experience it is very difficult to get a job nowadays.
In Brazil city and states colleges are free. The students must past in a very difficult test to be accepted in those colleges, but once they are accepted, they don’t have to pay for education.
I don’t know here, but in Brazil distance-learning courses are getting very popular; although I like the idea of having regular classes where all students meet in classrooms.
I really like the idea of having classes available for students 7 days a week. This is a very nice idea that is used in The United States, but not in Brazil, giving opportunity for mothers to not stop their careers because they don’t have time during the week because they have to take care of their babies.

Monday, November 24, 2008

An Ideal Education

The ideal college education should consist of three years or six semesters of classes. During the freshman year of a student, the college should review and go into depth in classes such as math and English. During the second year the students should focus on minors such as Political Science, Sciences, Math, Theatre, English, foreign languages, psychology, law, and several other minors that exist today. During the last year the student should focus on their majors which should be any course they chose to expert in. The courses should range from Accountant to Teaching. The major courses should provide a national standardized exam. College tuition should cost no more than 12,000 a year that is including room and board. Colleges however should have the rights to propose a minor fee for technology (no more than 4.75% of tuition). In paying tuition for college those who can afford to pay should pay their own tuition. Those who can’t afford to pay should be provided a waiver by the government. Scholarships should be awarded to top percentile students who worked hard to maintain good grades. Also scholarships should be awarded to athletes and other extra curriculum activities. Loans are bad ideas when it comes to college education. Many times people owe more money than their education was worth. Secondly students start off with debt which they can not guarantee that they can afford to pay back. Of course college should be coed because it allows natural interaction between males and females.
Inside the classrooms should not contain more than 17 desks therefore there should not be more than 17 people inside the room including the teacher. The class should classroom structures should be spacious but not gigantic, too little space makes it uncomfortable work, however too large space makes it difficult for students who are farther away to stay focused. Each classroom should have computers. These computers should be updated every 4 years. The classes taught should remain in classroom and not online or at home courses. The only course that should be available online is foreign language. Each class should meet twice a week for a total of 3 hours. I chose 1.5 hours for each class because I feel that it that is enough valuable learning time. There should also be writing assignments, exams and group work. The assignments and exams will display there level of knowledge on the subject which is very important. The group work will help the students create relationships with their peers. Teachers should not only lecture the class but also engage in activity. Teachers should use the blackboard at least 30 minutes of each class.
For a subject like Math, students should be required to take Algebra, Pre-calculus, Calculus, and/or Statistics. Because Math is used often in everyday transactions there should at least be three courses of Math taken. English is another subject that is used everyday therefore students should be required to take a writing course and an interpreting literature course. Science should consist of two courses. One should provide the basics of Biology, Earth Science, Physics, or Chemistry. Students majoring in science should take four courses. Language should have two required course such as beginning language and intermediate language. Advanced language should be optional for those who choose to minor in a language. Also I feel that music is very important. Not only should students learn the history of music, they should also learn to play an instrument. 2 courses in music should be mandatory. History should also have a minimum of three courses because it is very important and often repeats itself. The courses in history should not only include American History but other civilizations also.
Minors such as Etiquette and graphic design should consist of two courses so that students can actually contribute to society with what they have minored in.
The reason why I choose the curriculum I did is because I feel that an education is very important. It is essential for everyday survival. The courses I stressed were Math, English, History, Science, Music, and Language because I feel that these subjects are the most important aspects of education needed. Not to belittle other important parts of education such as Engineering, Accountant, Business Management, etc. These subjects are very important also and students who choose to major in them should be required to pass exams demonstrating their proficiency. However I don’t think that every student in college or any education institution has to learn these things they should be optional. The courses I laid out should be mandatory to learn.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Education is something essential in society, its a key to progress that allows us to learn and explore new ideas and things. Education is a fundamental part of society, it is the base the roots of a tree, which branches out into different kinds of knowledge. I think everyone deserves and should have a college education. College not only allows us to examine and pursue a career, but it also allows us to open our minds and understand more our surroundings. It helps us explore a new world, evaluate new perspectives, and learn new things.
I don’t completely agree with our curriculum today. I think that as today we should be in college for at least four years. However, I don’t agree with certain prerequisites, to pursue our careers. For example having to take the basic core, classes that don’t really have to do with our careers, or having to take electives. I think we should take only the classes we need for our careers, keep focus in what we really need to know for our careers. I think that schools should be coed, because it allows us to have more diversity and take on different ideas. I think college education should not be very expensive, I think it should be around $2000. I think it is a standard price that can be accessible to everyone. I think scholarships should be given to the people that excel in academics but also for those who cannot afford to go to school.
I think the curriculum would be a little more flexible than today. I think there should be more online classes, as well as more weekend schedules. I think there would be more classes where half the semester is online and the other meet in a classroom, similar to our English class. I think a system like this builds more independence in the student, but also allows the student to be able to attend the class with more easy access. I think that the classes that meet in a classroom or lecture hall should meet twice a week like most of the classes today. There would be quizzes every other week. I think at the end of the day classes are effective if there are good professors, that want to teach and are dedicated to making it interesting and really wanting to share the knowledge. However, the responsibility lies also in the student to wanting to learn the material and dedicating the necessary time to the classes.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Modern Education

Let’s just assume that we all agree that education is needed in order for individuals to ensure that one has a fighting chance at becoming an affective contributor in today’s society. With that stated, the looming question that arises is: Is the current system as it stands effective in making the majority that currently pursue higher learning prepared for our society? Well, let us explore that notion…

Curriculum: If you examine the current curriculum as it stands, one is required to first take general education courses, coupled with a required amount of electives. Now, I personally don’t believe that this is the best and most effective practice. If I have to pay to be schooled I don’t believe that it should be required of me to pay to take a class that doesn’t pertain to my field of study. General education courses are needed to ensure that my skill level is up to par but electives are just a waist of time. The perfect curriculum would allow one the opportunity to go straight into course study classes after the ‘ge’ courses without the elective requirement. After all, isn’t that what art class was for in high school? In turn, eliminating these unnecessary required electives would allow students to focus more on their chosen fields of study also reducing the time spent in college from the traditional four years to two. And if readying ones self for the “real world” is the ultimate goal, than it is a must that one learn how to conduct themselves around all individuals eliminating the non-coed theory. Also, the ultimate form of responsibility is proven when one is required to manage time effectively. What better way of learning than having remote classes or online courses. It’s easy to get the work done when being micromanaged in a classroom. We actually do our students a disservice by forcing them to show up day in and day out constantly ramming deadlines and lectures down their throats. After all, in the “real world” either it’s done, or not.

Let’s examine the pre-med student for a moment. In order to be a surgeon, one must successfully complete four years of undergrad, three years of graduate school and depending on the type of surgeon then they must undergo five plus years of residency. After all, no one wants a doctor who doesn’t know what they are doing. The same could be said of any other field. Most times experience is a better teacher. With that stated, instead of all these electives, it should be required of students to do a certain number of hours interning or work study. This will better equip the student for the “real world”. Of course, the appropriate courses that coincide with the field of study would be requirements. And as far as finances are concerned, higher learning costs are absorbent yet continue to grow yearly. They should cover salaries and needed operational expenses but the business of being schooled alone is a major reason why more don’t opt for higher learning. If there were some other form of payment available for the less fortunate more could partake in this great resource.

Overall, the current system as it stands does have a good structure as a base for a better platform to be ushered in. It is definitely not perfect and the above suggestions will definitely prove to better prepare collegiate hopefuls for their futures in the “real world”.

Maria Cedeno

In Gargantua and Pantagruel two types of educations are describe. The First Education will be the kind of education that focuses mainly in the type of manners that an individual most follow in everyday circumstances. It shows him things like what to wear depending of the season, how to wash, comb and make him self neat to how he is not supposed to eat as soon as he jumps from the bed unless he had exercise. The second education will be Gargantua’s Reformed Education. This education is based more spiritual and knowledge. He employs his time in reading and learning new instruments. He loves numerical science and practices both the theory and the problems. He learns music instruments as well science, geometry, astronomy and music. Also he reads chapters in the Holy Scripture to help him to understand to be a better man.

I think that education should last four years and that people should be required to have a college education. I think education is not only good to get a good job but also to let you understand life better. It gives you the opportunity to get to know more people and see things in different prospective. I do not agree with the kind of curriculum that we have to face in today’s world. It requires us to take so many elective and requirement classes. I think that it should be 4 years but mainly focus in material or classes that need to do with your major. Education should be the way it is for girls and boys no matter what religion or economic status the person is. College education should not be expensive so more people have the opportunity to go. I would probably have sponsor for students with excellent grades, more scholarship and a set fee of $1000.00 per semester regardless of the credits taken.

If I were to be in charge in coming with a new curriculum it would be a very flexible one. Classes would meet twice a week, half of the semester in a classroom and the other half on-line. I would schedule more evening and weekends classes including Sundays for those who work full time hours. I would keep in mind that now a day’s people work full time, have family responsibilities and are trying to finish a degree. Homework would be giving on weekly basis and I would have quizzes every week that with meet in a classroom so it would be easy for the student since everything is fresh in their memory. No midterm but a final would be given base on all the previous quizzes.
English- 4 classes
Math- depending on the major but for the requirements 2 classes
Language- 4 classes of the same
History- 2 classes of world history and 2 classes of American History
Technology- every semester 1 class
2 semester of internship
*All other classes depending on major
I think that the classes that I have chosen are the one that we need the most. We need to communicate in a well spoken English as well in writing that why I think it would be necessary to spend more time in that class. The other four are classes that would help us in real life. Classes like gym, etiquette we could learn on our own. I believe if we put more emphasis in the major classes’ chances of being good in what you like are greater.

Idea Education

I believe that a formal college education should last about 2-3 years depending on what you are studying. Medical practices and other occupations that risk other people's lives should be an additional 2 years of training. College education should be of little cost similar to the price of the current CUNY tuition. Everyone should be required to have a proper education so that they are qualified to work. However, if someone is struggling and after two years they don't want to do it anymore, they have the option of dropping out. Schools should be mixed with male and female because it allows for a more diverse learning atmosphere. There are different opinions from each side that can be essential for the learning process. Loans will be granted to the less fortunate.
Students will learn in lecture halls and professors should teach more from their knowledge and less from a textbook. If a professor is just going to read off a textbook, why go to class when we can just read it ourselves at home. There should be interaction with the students making sure everybody is up to date. Classes should be about 1 hour and meet 3 times a week. A student will take about 2 or 3 classes a semester and there will be 2 semesters per year. There will be exams to test the knowledge but it will be on a pass/fail basis. A passing grade would be a 80. Because of this pass/fail system, there will be no GPA.
Students will only be required to take courses that relate to their major. If a student wants to be an Accountant, they will take accounting courses and business related courses for 2 years. Students will also need to take a communication course because proper speech etiquette is important. The tuition only covers the major classes but if one would want to take extra you can pay $100 per extra course that they may be interested in.
I chose to only require Major courses because that is the occupation you are focusing on. A student shouldn't have to take a class they don't want. They should be concerned with only what they are intending on studying on. You don't really need the other courses but its there if you want to take them.


I think that the college education system should be reformed. I don’t agree with the fact that students have to spend two years of their college education in taking courses such as music and sociology if they are thinking in majoring in medicine or business. I think that college should last about three years where the student only has to take classes that go according to their major. I think the other pre requisites classes should be taken in high school, so that when you graduate from it you have an idea of what you really want to study. College is essential, because it gives the individual and extra and specific knowledge than one who didn’t go to college, so they should be recognized. Definitely, schools should be coed, because it wouldn’t make sense not to be if you live in a world where both women and men interact every day. College education shouldn’t be that high, I think that tuition like CUNY’s makes sense, and financial aid is great!
In my opinion I think that semi lecture halls are a good method of learning, although a good teacher is essential. I think it all depends on the professor. He or she should make the class fun and teach it in a way that all the students are going to remember it later on. Small trips could be arranged for better learning and projects such an outside activity are also a good way of teaching any college class. The idea is to get the student involved and interested in what he or she is learning. Although at the end of the day, it’s the student responsibility to learn the material (that’s why he or she is going to college, because he or she wants to, not because he or she is obligated)

sean gargantua

I believe a college education should not have time restrictions. However, I do believe it should be significantly shorter than four years. A lot of liberal arts classes are there simply for us to stay in college longer so we can give more money to the establishment. I would do away with most liberal arts classes. College is a time when you're preparing for your career, not learning about Ancient Mesopotamian statues, save all of that kind of general education for high school. I would not change the male/female dynamic that we have in our current college system. By the time you're in college you should be able to control your emotions, girls and boys should not be distracted by the opposite sex. I believe all college education should be free. I would propose different prestiges of colleges according to GPA and SAT scores. Something like Harvard would not cost more, but it would still be as hard to get in to. Financial barriers should not have an effect on whether an extremely bright student goes to Baruch or to Yale. The only costs incurred to the students would be room and board if they decided to stay away at school.

Everyone will be required to go to college after high school...however long that may take. Teachers will teach in a generic classroom setting. Not much change from the way it is now. Classes that need a more intimate setting for numerous amounts of questions, like Calculus or English, will stay small, while "textbook" classes like psychology will be taught with 100+ kids in a lecture hall. All students will be provided with a 200 dollar check per week for expenses, so they can concentrate solely on studies. Too often I see people like myself, struggling to keep up with school work because they work a full time job.

My college does not require any liberal arts classes. All liberal arts will be taken and implemented in high school. Students should be as efficient with their time as possible in college. Any extra liberal arts classes can be taken at the expense of the student. Since all mandatory liberal arts classes will be eliminated, the courses required for each student will vary depending on the chosen career path. Accounting careers will take accounting courses, Pediatrician careers will take all required medical courses, etc. Everything depends on your chosen career path.

I chose my curricula the way I did because I find we spend too much time in college. I feel that kids dont learn enough real world skills in high school... So this college curriculum is designed after taking a lot of real life courses in high school (how to balance a checkbook, how to fold wash, how to change a tire, etc.). Those are the types of courses that will help a student in the real world. It's nice to learn about Remus and Romulus, Joan of Arc, Henry V, and Copernicus, but how is that going to help most people when they're trying to find a job? Leave things like that for people to learn in their own time, if they're interested enough.

perfect education

Juggling school and work at the same time could get a little out of hand, therefore college should last for only two years. Automatically one thinks of Kingsborough College or LaGuardia College, but the truth is they are just as good. Within this period, students, hopefully everyone that finishes high school, females and males, have a chance to familiarize themselves with curriculum courses and find that one field that they are interested in.
Classrooms should consist of twenty to forty students, that way hard topics could be discussed thoroughly and each student that needs extra help, has an opportunity to get it. Subjects that are focused more on discussions or experience, should be held outside schools, since most people can remember the material better if they participated in some kind of an activity or were able to move around during the learning process. So for example, history classes should meet at least once a week in different museums, and learn it by seeing and touching.
Classes should meet twice weekly. School year should be left as two semesters and the tuition is determined by multiplying the cost of one class, $200, by the number of classes taken. Student aid is always a plus, so grants and student vouchers should be available for those that cannot afford going to college, while increasing the number of students attending college yearly. Museums and other facilities that provide a fun and learning environment should have special deals for schools that way the schools could pay for students or even reimburse those who had a hard time paying for the tickets.
Each student has to take one course in math, science, history, speech, english, law, philosophy and fine arts to familiarize themselves with every field and choose their preference. The curriculum, while very important to students, will also serve as proof to college that the student can succeed in these courses and therefore be able to take classes of their career choice in the next and last year coming up.